Singapore Seminar Series: The Idiosyncrasies of Light: Looking at LED, Induction and Plasma
Sunday December 2nd, 2012 Events
With an increasingly technologically advanced society, IEQ Global aims to introduce and educate attendees with the latest and cutting-edge lighting technologies that will reduce energy consumption as well as operational costs in December’s seminar on the world’s most energy efficient lights.
IEQ Global Malaysia Seminar: Revealing The Green Technologies: LED, Induction and Plasma Lights
Saturday December 1st, 2012 Events
In the month of December, using real life case studies, IEQ Global will give a detailed and in-depth introduction to the world’s most energy efficient lighting technologies — LED, Induction and Plasma lights. Demonstrating the efficacies and various uses of these energy saving lamps in different environments and situations, attendees will have the opportunity to experience the how these energy efficient lighting technologies can illuminate their surroundings brighter than conventional lamps and at just a fraction of the cost. Continue Reading »
IEQ Global Malaysia Seminar: The Blueprints of Energy Efficient Lights: LED, Induction and Plasma Lamps
Friday November 9th, 2012 Events
For the month of November, IEQ Global Malaysia introduces a new range of cutting-edge energy efficient lights. With high colour rendering index, low lumen depreciation rate, and extremely long lasting life, lighting technologies such as LED, Induction and Plasma, are forerunners in the energy efficient light technology. Continue Reading »
Singapore Seminar Series: Understanding the Brilliance of Energy Efficient Lighting Technologies: LED, Plasma and Induction
Tuesday November 6th, 2012 Events
This month, IEQ Global presents the latest development in lighting technologies in their upcoming lighting seminar. Introducing the energy efficient alternatives such as LED, Plasma, and Induction, to be more environmentally sustainable while reducing operating costs, seminar attendees will learn the many advantages of being energy efficient.
IEQ Global Germany Lighting Seminar Series: Operational Attributes of Plasma, Induction and LED Lights to optimise Energy Efficiency
Sunday October 14th, 2012 Events
In the second of IEQ Global Germany’s Lighting Seminar Series, IEQ Global Germany introduces their attendees to the cutting edge energy efficient lighting technologies in the market. Sharing the latest developments in lighting alternatives such as Plasma, LED, and Induction lights, our speakers will explain how lighting requirements can be reached while reducing operating costs.
IEQ Global Indonesia Lighting Seminar Series: Energy Efficient Lighting Ratios and Perspectives of an Induction Lamp – The Differences Between a Plasma, Induction, and LED Lamp
Thursday October 11th, 2012 Events
In October’s Lighting Seminar, IEQ Global Indonesia introduces the latest energy saving lighting technologies to the participants. Presenting many case studies from IEQ Global’s client base, participants will walk away with a deeper understanding of how energy efficient lighting technologies such as Induction, Plasma, and LED lights, can reduce both our carbon footprints and operational costs.
IEQ Global Australia Lighting Seminar Series: The Construction of an Induction Light – Studies in Energy Efficient Lighting for Mass Applications
Wednesday October 10th, 2012 Events
This October, IEQ Global Australia invites their clients and partners to the second seminar of the IEQ Global Lighting Seminar Series. An established player in the market of energy efficient lighting, IEQ Global will give attendees a comprehensive explanation and demonstration on how to achieve lighting requirements while maintaining aesthetic quality and reducing operational cost.
Singapore Lighting Seminar Series: Dichotomy between Light and Shadow with Energy Efficient Plasma, LED, and Induction Lighting
Monday October 8th, 2012 Events
In the month of October, IEQ Global Singapore invites our clients and partners for our monthly lighting seminar series on energy efficient lights. Addressing the idea of environmental sustainability when using energy saving lighting technology, attendees will gain an insightful knowledge on how the different types of lighting technology – Induction, LED, and Plasma lamps – can help reduce both our carbon footprints, as well as operational costs.
IEQ Global Russia Lighting Seminar Series: The Energy Efficient LED Light – Is it all Hype or a Future Trend?
Monday October 1st, 2012 Events
For the month of October, IEQ Global Russia introduces the latest in energy efficient lighting technology, specifically LED, Plasma, and Induction lights. Taking examples based on IEQ Global’s client base, participants will walk away with a deeper understanding of the world of energy efficient lighting technologies.
IEQ Global USA Lighting Seminar Series: LED Lighting – The Future of Energy Efficient Illumination Compared to Plasma and Induction Lighting
Tuesday September 25th, 2012 Events
For our second seminar in the IEQ Global USA Lighting Seminar Series, IEQ Global USA will discuss the features of LED Lighting as an energy efficient lighting technology in comparison to the other energy efficient lighting technologies, such as Induction and Plasma.